[Time Codes in Description] This is 3 way Demonstration for Scout equipment: The Zhukov NUK17 Embedded Detonators Unstable Overclock, the Deepcore GK 2 Homebrew Powder Clean Overclock and the popular default IFG Grenades.

EMBEDDED DETONATORS: In theory and when I'm using it, I LOVE this Overclock. In practice as a day to day OC though, tough one. The Zhuks already have serious ammo management problems because of the way they eat through rounds faster than any weapon in the game. With Embedded Dets you slice that ammo count almost in half. Painful. However, if you adjust your play style a bit, the results when you're in a groove with it are amazing. The key with the Embedded Dets is to try your damndest not to direct kill anything with it and try to empty as much of a single magazine in to as many targets as you can getting a least a few rounds in each and then when the auto reload happens BOOM! I love how it works and I love the effect.

HOMEBREW POWDER: I this OC for the Deepcore but it's not a visual Overclock, most of the Deepcore mods you can only "feel" as you play. In the end, it randomizes damage per bullet to 80-140% of base. This actually makes it an awesome addition to the Deepcore because on average you're doing 110% of base damage, so the only real conceivable down side to it is if you get caught in a sudden bad scrape and have to kill something RIGHT NOW you might end up getting a few sub full damage shots off into that offending target. Overall though, that's nothing. The only thing you'll "feel" with this overclock is a bit of boost to your ability to damage. You pretty much can't go wrong with it.
IFG GRENADES: The go-to default grenade. I'm generally a Cryo-Grenade scout. But, the IFG is not significantly better or worse than cryo, just different. The great use of IFG is not just the slow-down, but the extra 30% damage you do to anything caught in the IFG slowing field. I only used the IFG a few times in this video, but I did note in the time codes how I used it to great effect to neutralize and destroy a bulk detonator.
In the end, if you can adjust and ammo manage the Embedded Dets, this video shows how they work and by all means try them if you have them already or when you get them on a Core reward. Homebrew is a no-brainer solid all around OC, and the IFG grenade is just all around good.
NOTE: This Video was recorded just prior to Update 34. There are NO changes to these overclocks in U34 from this video with the exception that any "embedded" rounds that blow on reload (Embedded Dets and also an Overclock for the Subata) no longer forfeit the detonation of any rounds fired after you reload the final magazine.
01:05 Pod Land
03:24 Mini-Swarm
07:45 Gunk Seeds Done and Mini-Swarm
10:00 Egg 1 - Mini Swarm
12:06 Egg 2 - Mini Swarm
14:37 Egg 3 - Full Swarm with Bulk Det
17:25 Finishing the Bulk Det with IFG
19:15 Egg 4 - Mini Swarm
20:30 Pod Call and Escape
Egg Hunt: "Empty Sadness"
Biome: Salt Pits
Cave Complexity: 1
Mission Length: 1
Secondary: Gunk Seeds
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: None
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
MODS: 2-2-1-3-3
MODS: 1-3-1-3-2
Other Mods for this run (all personal preference)
Pick Axe: 1-1 | Flare Gun: 1-2-2 | Grappling Hook: 1-1-2-3 | Armor: 1-2-1-1
Passive: Thorns, Resupplier, Deep Pockets
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
"BOSCO" - APD-B317 MODS: 3-1-3-2-3
