BONUS HOLIDAY VIDEO - U.S. Independence Day | This is a solo demonstration of a Scout Build using the the ELECTRIFYING RELOAD overclock for the Deepcore GK2 Assault Rifle and the STUFFED SHELLS overclock for the Jury-Rigged Boomstick. Again, while this shows off how both OCs work, it's not to say they are or aren't good together, that's up to each individual player's style, but it does show the effectiveness of each, and both have formidable advantages.

ELECTRIFYING RELOAD for the Deepcore Assualt rifle causes the bullets embedded in targets you've already hit to set off an electric charge electrocuting them, stunning and damaging them. The more I use this overclock, the more I like it. Even though it drops your direct damage a bit and shrinks your magazine size it adds a whole new dimension to the scout's ability to manage swarms by giving you that instant stopping effect. By strafing across multiple enemies you can run your magazine dry triggering an automatic reload which will stop every target in the swarm that you've hit dead in it's tracks momentarily giving you, your teammates or Bosco a free shot at it without it threatening you. Likewise, you can peg one or more targets of your choice and manually reload to trigger the charge, outright killing some weaker prey. I do endorse this as an OC worth developing a play style around that's viable up to and including Haz 5.

STUFFED SHELLS for the Boomstick is just a great clean overclock. The only problem with it is that it's not SPECIAL POWDER, and as most POWDER Scouts (and Cocaine addicts) know, it's very hard to give up POWDER once you've started. However, STUFFED SHELLS is definitely enough to make you seriously think about it. You get more pellets in each shell in addition to a damage boost, and the difference in combat situations is obvious. In this build pairing it with the Improved Blastwave and modding it for additional damage, ammo and quicker reload it's definitely more effective at in your face enemy killing than the variations I've taken with most other Boomstick OCs, and definitely feels better in a fight than POWDER, which really has no combat utility.
So, as always be your own best judge. I highly recommend using these OCs multiple times to get a feel for them once you see how they work. For me at least with these two I definitely feel this gives the Scout a good solid combat foundation compared to most other builds you can equip even though the Boomstick is generally a good all-around weapon.
Biome: Radioactive Exclusion Zone
Cave Complexity: 2 | Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Boolo Caps
No Warnings/Anomaly: Rich Atmosphere
Beer Buff: Tunnel Rat
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
01:20 Pod Land
03:15 Mini Swarm
05:02 1st Egg Full Swarm
08:30 Crassus Detonator
09:55 Mini Swarm
12:06 2nd Egg Mini Swarm
18:09 3rd Egg Full Swarm
21:26 4th Egg Mini Swarm
22:54 Mini Swarm
24:23 5th Egg
25:18 6th Egg Mini Swarm
26:00 Pod Call and Escape
MODS: 3-3-3-1-3
MODS: 2-2-2-3-2
FLARE GUN: 1-2-2 | GRAPPLING HOOK: 1-1-2-3
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 1-2-1-1
Passive: Thorns, Deep Pockets, Born Ready
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 3-1-3-1-3
