This is a short solo demonstration of my "Cold Shoulder" build for Scout. This is another super fun elemental build that you can put together to turn your Scout into Mr. Freeze while complementing it with a Deepcore overclock that takes advantage of that.

CRYO MINELETS: For the Zhukov NUK17 this is one of the most popular overclocks and is surprisingly ammo efficient for the bullet hungry dual submachine guns. This is primarily because in this build you can use the Zhukov more as a support utility for your Deepcore. Rather than firing at your enemies you spread the cryo minelets in the paths of your foes causing cold elemental damage as they walk over them, usually enough to freeze them, then finish them off with your primary Deepcore with I've equipped here with an overclock that does extra damage to frozen targets--really a good match for this and works well all the way up to Praetorians providing you keep them in your minefield long enough. Couple of notes for this Overclock: while I don't believe there were many if any swarmers in this mission, using it in the path of swarmers will flash freeze and insta kill them. Very effective. Also, there is a Mactera swarm in this demo. While I was trying to use the minelets on them, that's a tricky proposition, and while I did some cold elemental to the as they passed by the minelets on the walls, they didn't flash freeze, but Minelets CAN freeze Mactera in the right circumstances.

BULLETS OF MERCY: Just a good balanced overclock for the Deepcore Assault Rifle that nerfs your magazine a bit, but gives you bonus damage to anything burning, stunned, electrocuted, frozen or poisoned. Here I took it specifically for frozen damage, but this OC pairs great in any team environment when fighting alongside teammates using their elemental damage mods whether it's a flame/cryo driller, a toxin gunner or an electric engineer. In this instance, I had Bosco modded with Electric Bullets, which was fine, but I guess I could have gone all out and given Bosco freezing rockets...which I did NOT do here.
CRYO GRENADES: The "Cold Shoulder" could not properly be given without bringing my personal favorite Cryo Grenades in this build. Of course they insta kill Mactera and Swarmers, but paired with Bullets of Mercy they allow me to kill quicker and conserve ammunition.
MINING EXPEDITION: "Stinking Leverage"
Biome: Crystalline Caverns
Cave Complexity: 1 | Mission Length: 1
Secondary: Ebonuts
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: Dark Morkite
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440P
01:28 Pod Land
03:40 Mini Swarm - Praetorians
05:23 1st Swarm - Mactera
09:13 Mini Swarm
10:26 Secondary Achieved
11:58 Primary Achieved
12:06 Pod Call and Escape (Went the wrong way)
MODS: 2-2-3-1-2
MODS: 1-3-1-3-2
FLARE GUN: 1-2-2 | GRAPPLING HOOK: 1-1-2-3
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 1-2-1-1
Passive: Thorns, Deep Pockets, Born Ready
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 3-1-3-2-3
