Random Haz 5 Mission of the Week - Driller POV: On-Site Refining in Sandblasted [Time Codes in Description]
Deep Rock week beginning 05/06/2021
On-Site Refining: "Raging Reserve"
Biome: Sandblasted Corridors
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Ebonuts
Warnings: None/Anomalies: Double XP
Beer Buff: Tunnel Rat
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Level 887
Engineer: Bronze 2 - Level 165
Gunner: Bronze 1 - Level 56 (Drop In After Mission Start)
Scout: Gold 3 - Level 251
00:57 Pod Land
02:17 BET-C Triggered
05:27 Swarm 1
11:35 Tritilyte Machine Event
14:12 Swarm 2
14:37 Refining Starts
15:28 Malfunction 1: 35%
17:20 Malfunction 2: 68%
18:45 Refining Finished/Pod Launch
19:46 Pod Lands and Escape
Driller Build This Mission: FLAMETHROWER: 2-1-3-2-1 with Fuel Stream Diffuser OC | Subata: 1-1-2-1-1 / Automatic Fire OC
Mission Notes: Started out 3 with a Gunner dropping in right after start. We managed to get a quick and tidy Double XP round done in under 20 minutes even with a Bet-C and Tritilyte Dispenser Machine Event.
