Haz 5 Game of the Week - Driller POV: Salvage in Radio Active Exclusion Zone
Deep Rock week beginning 07/08/2021
Biome: Radioactiuve Exclusion Zone
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Apoca Blooms
Warnings/Anomalies: None
Beer Buff: Skull Crusher Ale
Video: Ultra Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Rank 985
Engineer: Silver 1 - Rank 84
Gunner : Silver 2 - Rank 184
Scout: Bronze 2 - Rank 130
00:01 Dancing and Beer Buffing
01:23 Pod Lands
02:30 Mini Swarm
O5:44 Mini Swarm
08:55 Mini Swarm
12:51 C4: For when you just want to save time and ammo
13:40 Titilyte Machine Event
17:33 Mini Swarm
18:57 Uplink Defense Starts
22:55 Fuel Cell Defense Starts
24:40 Fueling Done - Last Stand & Escape
CRSPR Flamethrower: MODS: 2-1-2-2-2 | OC: LIGHTER TANKS
Experimental Plasma Charger: 2-2-1-2-2 | OC: OVERCHARGER
Mission Notes: A couple of the Rando drop-ins had some challenges staying on their feet, but it was all good. Some suprising vicious mini-swarms pepper this mission highlighted by a textbook running of a Tritilyte Deposit Machine Event. As far as my run. All the time I've been playing the game and this is literally the first time I've ever equipped the Overcharger OC for the EPC. Going to have to put some work in on this one.

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