Random Haz 5 Mission of the Week - Driller POV: On-Site Refining [Time Codes in Description]
Deep Rock week beginning 07/01/2021
On-Site Refining: "Dirty Ravine"
Biome: Glacial Strata
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Boolo Caps
Warnings/Anomalies: Low Oxygen/Double XP
Beer Buff: None
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Level 975
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 172
Gunner: Silver 1 - Level 79 (Drop In After Start)
Scout: Legendary 3 - Level 837
00:48 Pod Land and Welcome Swarm
03:52 1st Full Swarm
09:50 Surprise Swarm
10:40 Refgfining Starts - Defense Starts
11:24 1st Refinery Malfunction - 29%
13:02 2nd Refinery Malfunction - 65%
14:25 3rd Refinery Malfunction - 92%
15:34 Refining Finished and Rocket Launch - Last Stand
16:33 Pod Lands and Escape
Driller Build: CRSPR: 2-1-2-3-1 OC:Sticky Fuel | EPC: 2-2-2-2-2 OC: Heavy Hitter
Mission Notes: Low Oxygen Refinery Missions tend to get a bad rap, but overal a little smart play along the way and there's not much to it, especially in smaller caverns. This was a small cavern that was absolute crap for fighting in. However, we kept it quick, efficient and to the point wrapping this up in a little over 17 minutes.
