Random Haz 5 Mission of the Week - Gunner POV: On-Site Refining in Radioactive Exclusion Zone [Time Codes in Description]
Deep Rock week beginning 04/15/2021
Mining Expedition: "Purified Cavity"
Biome: Sandblasted Corridors
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Ebonuts
Warnings: Cave Leech Cluster & Swarmeggon/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: Rocky Mountain
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Level 876
Engineer: Gold 2 - Level 275
Gunner: Legendary 3 - Level 879
Scout: Bronze 2 - Level 55
00:54 Pod Land
03:02 Bulk Det 1 to Full Swarm 1
09:15 Full Swarm Shit Show 2
17:24 Objective into Full Swarm 3
18:15 Bulk Det 2
21:17 Pod Call and Rough Escape

Mission Notes: Even though U34 has been out a week, this was my first Double Warning mission. Overall, not too bad. It did get a little intense a couple of times. Swarmageddon is a rough mission warning and taking one of our first big swarms in a tight tunnel ended up leading to a circus of downs for a minute that ended up being saved only by the Iron Will perk. But outside of that these two particular warnings together didn't seemed to be anything unmanageable. In the end, it lead to some impressive kill counts for the Driller and the Engineer destroying swarmers with flames and turrets
We capped this off with a classic escape to the drop pod that ended up being a little bit more of a nail biter than I'm used to. Overall, a fun mission with a bit of excitement. I'm all in on the double warnings at this point and love the addition to the game, but agree with the dev team that keeping them out of Dives and Assignments for the time being is a smart decision.
