Random Haz 5 Mission of the Week - Driller POV: On-Site Refining in Radioactive Exclusion Zone [Time Codes in Description]
Deep Rock week beginning 04/15/2021
On-Site Refining: "Red Tomb"
Biome: Radioactive Exclusion Zone
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Hollomite
Warning: Low Oxygen/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: None
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Level 876
Engineer: Platinum 2 - Level 213
Gunner: Gold 1 - Level 233
Scout: Bronze 2 - Level 23
00:40 Pod Land & Welcoming Party
03:24 Mini-Swarm
00:40 Full Praetorian Swarm
08:30 Refining Starts
09:15 1st Refinery Malfunction
10:45 2nd Refiniery Malfuntion
12:55 3rd Refinery Malfunction
14:26 Rocket Launch/Defense/Escape
Mission Notes: This a quick by the book Refinery mission with Low Oxygen Warning. Completed in under 16 minutes, the straightforward cavern layout made the Low O2 easy to deal with. My apologies to the team (as Driller) for not noticing someone had picked up a lost helmet until escape time. I tried a last ditch effort to get the lost equipment out of the ceiling but failed.
