This is a short solo demonstration of the "Chain and Sustain" build for the Gunner pairing the basic good clean THINNED DRUM WALLS overclock for the Powered Minigun with the CHAIN HIT overclock for the Bulldog Revolver.

THINNED DRUM WALLS: Not a whole lot to say about this one other than who CAN'T use an additional 300 bullets? Also, this gives you a faster cooling rate, so by managing when you approach overheat you can return to pouring bullets in to your prey very quickly. This is one of the first overclocks I got for the Lead Storm when I was a greenbeard and spent a lot of time with it up through becoming a Haz 4 regular and it's still a solid, reliable choice that it's hard to go wrong with at Hazard 5 as well. With the extra ammo I was able to take 2 damage bumps on tiers 2 and 4, aggressive venting on tier 5 to heat up and damage enemies that are close to me, stun on tier 3 to stop enemies in their tracks momentarily along with just a flat rate of fire increase in tier 1.

CHAIN HIT: This is a pretty basic clean overclock that will ricochet bullets you land on enemy weakspots in to nearby enemies. To be honest, it's not spectacular, but if you build this out with explosive rounds on tier 3 and neurotoxin coating on tier 5 you'll be able to see the benefit when swarms close in on you and you resort to using it. But if you don't have the aim to consistently hit weakspots, you're basically just going to have a standard revolver most of the time, and there's nothing wrong with that either. When backpedaling against approaching grunts though is when you'll see most of the benefit of this as you hit face shots. Tight groups of web spitters and other enemies on walls or ceilings will also yield some great 2 for 1 shots. I'd rank this in the same category of the MAGIC BULLETS overclock, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, this will service you well if you have moderately good accuracy and MAGIC BULLETS compensates somewhat for lack of accuracy. So play style and preference will determine which if you're choosing between those two. Definitely go with increased accuracy in tier 1, though.
Biome: Crystalline Caverns
Cave Complexity: 2 | Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Ebonuts (Did not attempt)
Exploder Infestation/Gold Rush
Beer Buff: None
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440P
01:04 Pod Land - 1st MiniMule in Landing Area
02:30 Mini Swarm
03:55 1st Mini Mule Build
05:08 Triggering BET-C and Mini-Swarm
07:50 Defeating and Repairing BET-C
08:40 Mini Swarm
11:11 Mini Swarm
12:40 Mini Swarm
14:33 Second Mini Mule Build and harrasment
16:45 Returning Molly to Pod - Mini Swarm
17:55 Uplink Started
22:00 Fueling Started
23:40 Bulk Det Arrives During Fueling
23:48 Fueling Complete
25:04 Downed by the Bulk Det
25:22 Pod Ready
25:40 Bosco Finished the Bulk and Escape
MODS: 2-2-2-1-1
MODS: 2-3-2-2-2
Mods: 2-2-3
Mods: 2-1-1
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 1-2-1-1
Passive: Thorns, Deep Pockets, Resupplier
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 3-1-1-2-3
