[TIME CODES IN DESCRIPTION] This is a short solo demonstration of what I call "The Gunslinger Build" for the Gunner. This takes the COMBAT MOBILITY overclock for the Thunderhead Autocannon and the SIX SHOOTER overclock for the Bulldog revolver. It's focused on movement and weapon speed and shows the devastation that a gunner can cause when you give give him the added bonus of quickness with his massive firepower. As an added bonus, we get a cameo from a Crassus Detonator in this one.
COMBAT MOBILITY sharply decreases the movement penalty while firing the autocannon, reduces your base spread and ramps up the speed you reach max rate of fire. The only minor drawback is a smaller magazine size, which is not really a big deal for the incredible freedom this OC gives you. The build I'm using here is not even focused on damage, but primarily splash damage, rate of fire and ammo. That coupled with taking "fear" on tier 5 you basically can just wipe the floor with anything in front of you. It's a stupid good build that you can pretty much tweak however you want. Sacrifice a little ammo or play around a bit to give you more damage and it's really hard to screw this one up. HOWEVER, I would recommend usually going with the larger magazine size in tier 1 even though you take the ammo hit to do it. It works out fine in larger more open combat where you have some breathing room to reload, but in tighter combat, go with mag size and just watch your ammo consumption, especially with that increased rate of fire.
SIX SHOOTER had a minor controversy when Update 34 hit as the rate of fire was nerfed a bit, but if you haven't used the OC before or much the only thing you'll notice is WOW this is good. You get a six round cylinder, faster rate of fire, and more ammo at the expense of a little increased base spread and slightly longer reload time. Another balanced Overclock where the benefits well outweigh the small disadvantages Fire quick. With your six shot magazine and just a little bit of accuracy you can basically quick fire and take your enemies down with burst of bullets Highly recommended. This quite a fun base build to start with and easily drop in at any Haz level and modify to your liking.
Biome: Dense Biozone
Cave Complexity: 3 | Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Boolo Caps (Did not attempt)
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: None
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
01:02 Pod Land and Welcoming Party
01:35 Crassus Det Spotted
03:05 Dribble Swarm - Crassus Still Up
04:20 Aquarq Pull - Crassus Finished
04:55 1st Full Swarm
08:00 Dribble Swarms and Aqarq Collection
10:30 2nd Full Swarm
13:40 Minehead Launch & Last Stand
16:04 Pod Arrival and Escape
MODS: 3-2-1-2-2
MODS: 1-3-3-2-2
Mods: 2-2-3
Mods: 2-1-1
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 1-2-1-1
Passive: Thorns, Deep Pockets, Resupplier
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 1-1-1-1-3
