NOTE: This video was taken before Update 34, which did tweak Bullet Hell. See Notes at bottom of description for more info. Keep in mind the primary comments are for the U33 final Hotfix state of Bullet Hell.
This is a Haz 5 demonstration of the BULLET HELL Overclock for the Gunner class's "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun. BULLET HELL makes your bullets ricochet into other targets at the expense of giving up considerable direct damage and a wider base spread that will nerf your accuracy. I've struggled with it's viability in the past and never used this OC for more than a mission or two in team play, but I honestly haven't really touched it since I moved from being a primarily Haz 4 player quite a long time ago. So I wanted to test it's viability in a Haz 5.
Overall, bringing base damage down to 9 on this monster is painful. I've never needed so

much resupplying in a Haz 5 solo, but to be fair, swarms are generally a lot heavier in Refinery missions and here I found myself running low before I even had enough nitra for my first resupply. Also, I did end up resupplying a couple of times just for health. Overall, in heavy swarms it's pretty effective. You can see the bullets ricochet and it's working, but you are giving up so much in single target damage. It's almost like a poor dwarf's answer to the autocannon, replacing the AOE damage with ricocheting bullets, but it's really hard to justify the pain you feel when you are trying to manage larger and single targets with lower damage.
Also, I was hoping it would do better against Mactera swarms than it seemed to. I wasn't feeling the love against Mactera on this and I had plenty of opportunities to try. Ultimately, I had to rely on a little luck and some creative tactics like luring them into a chokepoint and setting them on fire to manage larger swarms. Overall, is it viable? Ya, it's viable, but I can definitely say it's not an OC I would want to rely on heavily or use on a regular basis. The downsides just don't seem to compensate. Maybe if you could get more than one ricochet out of the bullets it would be okay, or compensate by upping either the damage or tweaking the base ammo. Not sure, but at least here you can see how well it does against large groups and how poorly it does in every other situation.
As are all my OC demonstrations, this not a recommendation to use it or not. If it fits your play style, go for it. You can definitely make it work, but there are much better OCs out there for my type of game. It also doesn't help that gunner is probably my weakest of the four classes.
UPDATE 34: While I've tried the Updated Bullet Hell Overclock on Update 34's Experimental Beta Branch, it is still subject to change before release on 4/22/21. Currently, there is a considerable buff to it which I've tried and feels very promising, but I won't be doing any videos of the U34 Experimental Weapons tweaks until after it's release because Update 34 is likely to be tweaked 3-5 times before it's final release. The primary difference at first run is extended ricochet distance on the bullets, which is noticeably better.
ON-SITE REFINING: "Petrified Goods"
Biome: Crystalline Caverns
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Gunk Seeds
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: Red Rock Blaster
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
MODS: 3-2-3-2-1
MODS: 1-3-3-2-2
Mods: 2-2-3
Mods: 1-1-1
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 3-2-1-1
THROWABLE: Incendiary Grenade
Passive: Thorns, Deep Pockets, Sweet Tooth
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 1-1-1-2-3
Bosco Mods are purely personal choice, but as painfully slow as Bosco digs, I highly recommend giving up his digging skills on tier one in favor of direct damage. Also his electro rounds are great at slowing advancing enemies. Bosco is great. Use him how you wish, just learn to take advantage of the skills you equip him with.
NOTE: This is Pre-Update 34 Weapons Balance Changes