This is a Haz 5 demonstration of the A LITTLE MORE OOMPH! Overclock for the Gunner class's "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun. A LITTLE MORE OOMPH! is one of the cleanest of the clean overclocks for the gunner. It gives you an extra point of damage along with a quicker spin up time. No downsides, just straight up clean killing with this one. So, gunner probably being my weakest class and Escort being my weakest solo mission type, I thought I'd torture myself by demonstrating it on a one refuel stop Escort mission, but in the interests of time and my sanity I chose to ignore the secondary, but save Doretta's head.

Escort missions solo are often not particularly fun because they can go south in an instant. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. One moment you're good on nitra and bugs have barely touched the dozer and then 2 seconds later the dozer is on fire and you are reduced to a sliver of health. Overall, sometimes it's worth it to sacrifice a section of the dozer to keep the swarms in hand, especially if you're getting bombarded by ranged enemies. Ultimately, as I unfortunately had to prove in this mission, the last big mid section of the dozer has the most endurance and sometimes you have to rely on that to get you through the last one quarter to one half of the Heartstone battle.
And, last but not least, let's not forget the little irritating pathing bug that proves DORETTA CAN FLY!
01:10 Pod Land & Frost Praetorian
03:25 Mini-Swarm w/ Unmenacing Menace
04:55 Doretta Start
05:35 1st Swarm and Doretta Flies!
06:15 Fuel Stop: Swarms, Oil Shale, Nitra
13:05 Doretta Start & 2nd Tunnel Swarm
15:35 Arrival at Heartstone
16:25 Ommoran Stage 1
17:32 Ommoran Stage 2 (2/3 Permanent Damage)
18:36 Ommoran Stage 3
19:56 Ommoran Stage 4 (Frantic Repairing)
20:35 Bosco and Beamers (If you didn't know this)
21:43 Ommoran Destroyed
22:08 Escape with Doretta's Head
23:00 Waiting for Molly
23:41 Extraction with Double Doretta Head Bug
ESCORT DUTY: "Fearless Death"
Biome: Glacial Strata
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Fossils (did not attempt)
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: Slayer Stout
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
MODS: 3-2-3-2-1
MODS: 2-1-3-1-2
Mods: 2-2-3
Mods: 2-1-1 NOTE: This is Pre-Update 34 Weapons Balance Changes. The OOMPH overclock was not effected with the update.
