This demonstrates the STICKY FUEL Overclock and is the build I've always been afraid to try. How "Sticky and Slow" can you build and still have a viable weapon from an ammo and decent direct damage standpoint? I sh*t talk the Sticky Fuel OC all the time and advise players against it (as I did in one of my previous posts). I also take pride in proving myself wrong. I'm not saying that this build is better than my other Sticky build, but it is very different and immensely more effective than I had hoped. Not just viable in Haz 5 solo play, but a down right glyphid killer. Flames are almost like they are in "Set it and Forget it" mode because the 11 second burn time is infinitely longer than it sounds. It brings even praetorians and oppressors to a crawl where they burn to death or suffer slowly on fire until me and Bosco can take the last few pot shot kill hits.

Now the problems. I take a whopping 125 ammo hit between reserves and tank size and shave 5 off the pure direct damage stat from my go-to sticky build, which I did get back for any enemies physically walking in my flames courtesy of STICKY FUEL. However, with the lowest fuel reserves I've ever taken I knew if I ran into a situation where I was going to need direct damage it was really going to hurt. And so I had just a twinge of "Oh Shit" when I ran in to a breeder in this particular run.
In the end, this was as smooth a run as you can get in Magma Core. No problem finishing the secondary even though I had to improvise some solutions to get a couple of fossils.
So, enjoy the light show in this one. I just called it my Sucide Sticky build because I really was so skeptical about it that I thought this run was a suicide mission. How viable on Haz 5 will this be in team play? I'm cautiously optimistic and will find out soon.
Egg Hunt: "Loaded Field"
Biome: Magma Core
Cave Complexity: 1
Mission Length: 1
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: None
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440P
MODS: 2-2-2-2-1
OC: Sticky Fuel
This build brings your reserve ammo down to a painful 225 and halves your tank size in half. So basically cutting my ammo by 125 from standard go-to sticky build.
MODS: 2-3-3-2-2
OC: Energy Rerouting
THROWABLE: Neurotoxin
Other Mods for this run (all personal preference)
Pick Axe: 1-1 | Satchel: 2-1-1-2 | Drills: 1-1-1-1 | Armor: 3-1-1-2
Passive: Thorns, Born Ready, Veteran Depositer
Active: Dash, Beastmaster (Did not use during run)
BOSCO MODS: 1-1-1-2-3
Bosco Mods are purely personal choice, but as painfully slow as Bosco digs, I highly recommend giving up his digging skills on tier one in favor of direct damage. Also his electro rounds are great at slowing advancing enemies. Bosco is great. Use him how you wish, just learn to take advantage of the skills you equip him with.