This is a Driller class Elimination mission messing around with the ICE SPEAR overclock for the Cryo Cannon and the HEAVY HITTER overclock for the EPC pistol. I'm not a fan of bringing Cryo Cannon into Elimination missions -- not saying it's a terrible idea, just saying I've not had tons of success with it. However, with a well coordinated team and the right cryo build it can absolutely work. In this case, we get the one high damage OC for the Cryo that seems to be a natural for taking on Dreads.

ICE SPEAR gives you the ability to fire a high damage charged shot with the Cryo Cannon that drains 50 ammo and stuns the target it hits at the cost of a delay in the weapon repressurization time before it can be used again. When using that charged shot sparingly you do have a more than adequate Cryo Cannon with good freezing power and direct damage depending on how you build it. Against Dreadnoughts, as in this demo, it is a tricky proposition because you do have to nail the weakpoints pretty accurately to do that chunk of damage you're trying to do, which is hard with this OC since there is a delay between hitting RELOAD (which activates the Ice Spear charge) and the Spear firing at the target. So timing and keeping the weak point in front of you is critical. You WILL miss some shots, and when you do you'll be blowing 50 of the ammo reserve.

HEAVY HITTER for the EPC is aptly named because it simply ups your damage but at the cost of heat build up and less ammo. However, it does turn the EPC into a more than sufficient damage dealer that holds it's own with the subata but still with the drawback of the slowness of the normal plasma projectiles that will forever make EPC a hard sell over subata as a pure combat weapon. Ammo feels sparse with it, and now that EPC mining has been "scattered" a bit so to speak, it's worth it to explore more combat focused rather than mining focused builds with this weapon, and HEAVY HITTER is a good start. In fact, I didn't even take Thin Containment for mining and went with Flying Nightmare on the final tier of the EPC which gives you the phased high damage shot you can fire through crowds. Many players rave about Flying Nightmare, especially since it's been tweaked a little recently. I find it basically, just "OK," but in fairness I haven't spent a lot of time with it to learn the strengths and weaknesses of it yet.
IMPACT AXES - Went with Axes this time. A rarity for me with driller class.
ELIMINATION: "Frozen Roof"
Biome: Magma Core
Cave Complexity: 2 | Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Fester Fleas
No Warnings/No Anomalies
Beer Buff: None
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440P
01:13 Pod Land
01:55 Yay! Bittergem!
03:27 Mini Swarm
04:20 Mini Swarm
07:00 Mini Swarm with Leech and Praetorians
12:26 Mini Swarm
14:30 Glyphid Dreadnought Emerges
19:40 Finishing with Axes/Ice Spear
20:03 Secondary Completed and Mini Swarm
22:25 Mini Swarm
24:47 Downed by a Friggin' Leech then a Mini Swarm
25:40 The Leech wasn't dead
26:55 Mini Swarm into a choke point
27:45 Setting up a bad Dreadnought strategy
28:30 Dreadnought Hiveguard Emerges
31:15 Solid Ice Spear Hit on Weakpoint
35:55 Finishing with Axes/Ice Spear
36:16 Pod Call and Escape
MODS: 1-1-2-1-2
MODS: 2-2-2-2-1
SATCHEL CHARGE: 3-1-1-3 | DRILLS: 2-1-1-1
PICK AXE: 1-1 | ARMOR: 1-1-1-2
Passive: Thorns, Elemental Insulation, Resupplier
Active: Dash, Beastmaster
BOSCO MODS: 3-1-3-2-3
