Random Haz 5 Mission of the Week - Scout POV: Mining Expedition in Magma Core [Time Codes in Description]
Deep Rock week beginning 05/37/2021
On-Site Refining: "Lucky Nightmare"
Biome: Magma Core
Cave Complexity: 2
Mission Length: 2
Secondary: Fossils
Warnings: No Warnings/Double XP
Beer Buff: Rocky Mountain
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440p
Randos This Week:
Driller: Gold 2 - Level 228
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 400
Gunner: Unpromoted - Level 47
Scout: Legendary 3 - Level 915
00:53 Pod Land
02:48 Leech Welcome for Engi - 1st Cave
03:20 Breeder has to Go - Mini Swarm
03:36 1st Swarm Call
06:45 Welcome to the Second Cave
09:30 2nd Swarm Call
13:45 Primary Objective Met
14:01 Secondary Objective Met
14:43 Pod Call and Escape
SCOUT BUILD: M1000: 2-1-1-1-3 OC: Hipster | BOOMSTICK: 2-2-2-3-2 OC: Special Powder
Mission Notes: Another fun little Double XP Mining Mission in Magma Core. A forgiving cave layout for the biome gave us plenty of room to work and fight swarms and non-promoted rando gunner on the crew more than carried his own weight
