Weekly Elite Deep Dive with Random Team - Scout POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Abyssal Death
BIOME: Radioactive Exclusion Zone
MISSION SEED: June 03 - June 09, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Silver 3 - Level 181 (Dropped in Stage 1)
Engineer: Bronze 1 - Level 40
Gunner: Silver 2 - Level 151 (Dropped in Stage 3)
Scout: Legendary 3 - Level 927
Beer Buff: Tunnel Rat
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440p
00:58 - S1: Escort | 2 Eggs | Warning: Low O2 | Anomaly: None
29:34 - S2: 4 Eggs | 150 Morkite | Warning: Lethal Enemies | Anomaly: None
47:31 - S3: 250 Morkite | 2 Eggs | Warning: None | Anomaly: None
SCOUT BUILD: M1000: 2-1-1-1-3 OC: Hipster | Boomstick: 2-2-2-3-2 OC: Special Powder
Mission Notes: Odd Run. Started out really well, then in the middle of stage 1 our Driller said he had "something to take care of" and dropped. One of the crew wasn't sure we would make it through, but in the end it went smooth. Then, right when we were coming to the last part of Stage 3 we had a bulk bear down on us, handled it easy and our gunner dropped leaving me playing scout and our Engi to pull the last egg and get out. Weird, I've had drops in dives before, but that's the first where I've started with a full team and went on to complete with just two of us. So, for Mezz the Bronze 1 start Rando engi that showed up and saw it through to the end: "FOR KARL!"
Moments of Note in this Mission: 1. Drilling Ahead to Eggs put us in the position of handling an entire full swarm in a driller tunnel at the start of stage 1 (not the best idea). 1. Had a situation where I was the last one left standing and couldn't get to hour gunner, so I was able to position into the tunnel beneath him and call a supply to drop on top him and take him down in the tunnel below where he used Iron Will to get up and take a resupply and shield both me and him in the middle of swarm. 3. Completely cheesed a Bet-C by sneaking into the room where it was to get the last 11 Morkite we needed to complete the Stage 3 objective.
