Weekly Elite Deep Dive with Random Team - Gunner POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Fragile Pursuit
BIOME: Salt Pits
MISSION SEED: April 22 - April 28, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Silver 1 - Level 103
Engineer: Silver 1 - Level 156
Gunner: Legendary 3 - Level 874
Scout: Platinum 1 - Level 90
Beer Buff: Dark Morkite
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:20 - S1: 10 Aquarqs | 150 Morkite | Warning: Low Oxygen | Anomaly: None
16:27 - S2: 225 Morkite | Dreadnought (Twins) | Warning: Elite Threat | Anomaly: Rich Atmosphere
49:20 - S3: 4 Eggs | Black Box | Warning: Shield Disruption | Anomaly: None
Mission Notes: This is a rough dive with a full on Elite Threat Warning courtesy of Update 34. I had to run this dive a couple of times to get it with different teams. Ultimately, the killer was Stage 2. There is an Elite Swarm seeded with the Dreadnought that makes it a really tough one. Ultimately, what kind of made this different than the failed dives is that we popped the Dread cocoon so far from the area we chose to fight we literally had to wait minutes for it to dig to us and the seeded Elite Threat managed to hit before the dreads completely entered the picture. In the end, we managed Stage 2 with help exploding a well placed Bulk completely obliterating one of the twins.
