Weekly Elite Deep Dive with Random Team - Gunner POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Fragile Pursuit
BIOME: Sandblased Corridors
MISSION SEED: May 6 - May 12, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Silver 2 - Level 166
Engineer: Bronze 1 - Level 41
Gunner: Legendary 3 - Level 885
Scout: Gold 3 - Level 213
Beer Buff: Red Rock Blaster
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:20 - S1: 10 Aquarqs | Black Box | Warning: Shield Disruption | Anomaly: None
15:17 - S2: 6 Eggs | 2 Mini-Mules | Warning: None | Anomaly: None
39:52 - S3: 4 Eggs | Black Box | Warning: Lethal Enemies | Anomaly: Volatile Guts
Mission Notes: Another fairly simple dive. First stage was a little sloppy when the Driller dropped with connection problems in the middle of swarm. He appeared to be having issues from the start. Luckily, he was able to rejoin a few minutes later and things started to get smoother from there on out, especially with his usage of the Ice Storm OC on the Cryo Cannon that has been impressively buffed in Update 34. Stage 2 with no warnings was pretty much a gimme and despite the fact that I start to get a little nervous when Elimination rounds show up in EDDs these days, stage 3 was a textbook smackdown of a Hivegaurd and the Twins helped along the way by the Volatile guts anomaly which made swarms and the Black box sequence infinitely easier.
