Weekly Elite Deep Dive with Random Team - Scout POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Bitter Wrath
BIOME: Fungus Bogs
MISSION SEED: April 8 - April 14, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Bronze 2 - Level 94
Engineer: Bronze 2 - Level 96
Gunner: Bronze 2 - Level 87
Scout: Legendary 3 - Level 845
Beer Buff: Pots 'O Gold
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
00:44 - S1: 200 Morkite | Black Box | Warning: Cave Leech Cluster | Anomaly: None
18:20 - S2: 3 Mini-Mules | Dreadnought (Twins) | Warning: Mactera Plague| Anomaly: None
29:55 - S3: 250 Morkite | Dreadnought (Hiveguard) | Warning: Parasites | Anomaly: None
Mission Notes: One of the rare occasions I've run the EDD and the Regular Deep Dive with the same team, so you can see this same group in the other dive video this week as well. Good, solid team for a group of Bronze players. Mactera sucked rocks in stage 2, but we hobbled through it all right. They got so bad at one point that the driller bunkered for one Mactera swarm after we were beaten down and I didn't even complain about it. On top of that, it didn't help that the uplink was out in the wide open making us sitting ducks in that Mactera Plague warning. Leeches were plentiful on stage 1, but nothing that can't be dealt with...except the first one that comes through the ceiling at the end of the first tunnel to which there's no recourse since there's no line of site with it before it grabs you. Stage 3 gets touchy with the Hiveguard egg at the bottom of a deep sloped pit, but overall, manageable Elite Dive with any good team that stays together.
