Weekly Elite Deep Dive with Random Team - Driller POV [Stage Time Codes in Description][Set to Music-See Mission Notes]
MISSION: Dry Caves
BIOME: Hollow Bough
MISSION SEED: March 25 - March 31, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Legendary 3 - Level 816
Engineer: Silver 2 - Level 83
Gunner: Legendary 3 - Level 206
Scout: Bronze 3 - Level 121
Beer Buff: Slayer Stout
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:10 - S1: 225 Morkite | 2 Eggs | Warning: Lethal Enemies | Anomaly: None
26:15 - S2: Escort | 2 Eggs | Warning: Parasites | Anomaly: None
57:05 - S3: 6 Eggs | Black Box | Warning: None | Anomaly:None
Mission Notes: Certainly easier than the last two EDDs, but Hollow Bough is always a challenging biome. Took a mid-heavy sticky fuel build in to this one as driller and had all sorts of problems with controlled burns. The Escort stage started fine, but kind of spiraled out of control losing 2/3 of Doretta before the heartstone, but we were able to pull it through. Stage 3 generally went well until we called the drop pod at the end. Hollow Bough is always a tough escape if you're too deep in the caverns and have a long way back.
