Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Engineer POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Corroded Ceiling
BIOME: Salt Pits
MISSION SEED: June 24 - June 30, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Gold 3 - Level 254
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 963
Gunner: Bronze 1 - Level 42
Scout: Legendary 1 - Level 557
Beer Buff: Skull Crusher Ale
Video: High Settings/21:9/1440p
ENGINEER BUILD: Stubby: 2-2-2-2-2 OC: Super Slim Rounds | PGL: 2-1-2-2-1 OC: Clean Sweep
01:06 - S1: 225 Morkite | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: Critical Mactera Plague | Anomaly: Critical Weakness
14:30 - S2: 200 Morkite | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: None | Anomaly: None
27:54 - S3: Escort | 2 Eggs | Warning: Regenerative Bugs | Anomaly: None
Mission Notes: First stage is really is a snap, especially for a Mactera Plague warning. We saw almost no enemies for the first few minutes and between the team we managed to knock down every assault that it threw at us without much issue. We even took down a Bet-C in a matter of a few seconds and still get out of the first stage without having to call a resupply. By stage 3 we had enough nitra to choke a camel and even though things got a little heavy with Doretta drilling, we just grabbed the eggs while cruising through and just barnstormed through the heartstone finishing a Doretta dive in under 45 minutes.
