Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Engineer POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
BIOME: Azure Weald
MISSION SEED: May 13 - May 19, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Silver 2 - Level 120
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 895
Gunner: Gold 2 - Level 283
Scout: Silver 2 - Level 227
Beer Buff: Red Rock Blaster
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
00:36 - S1: 4 Eggs | Dreadnought (Twins) | Warning: Elite Threat | Anomaly: Rich Atmosphere
15:00 - S2: Refinery | 150 Morkite | Warning: Parasites | Anomaly: None
31:33 - S3: 225 Morkite | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: None | Anomaly: None - Random Dreadnought Spawn: 40:12
ENGINEER BUILD: Stubby: 3-2-2-2-3 OC:EM Refire Rebooster | Breach: 1-1-1-2-3 OC: Light Weight Cases
Mission Notes: First stage is really lite on nitra, but there was enough there to get the job done even having to fight the Dreadnought Twins and deal with Elite Enemies. The cocoon is just off the starting room, so we just gathered enough nitra to get the job done and had a rather routine fight in the pod landing room after which we proceed to quickly pull the four eggs. After breezing rather handily through stage 2 and most of stage 3 we ended up having a surprise random dreadnought call toward the end the kept things spicy and fore the second time in the Dive we had to deal with the Twins.
