Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Scout POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Jagged Anvil
BIOME: Crystalline Caverns
MISSION SEED: May 6 - May 12 , 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Bronze 2 - Level 74
Engineer: Bronze 2 - Level 152
Gunner: Bronze 2 - Level 58
Scout: Legendary 3 - Level 886
Beer Buff: Tunnel Rat
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:35 - S1: 250 Morkite | Dreadought (Original) | Warning: Parasites | Anomaly: None
21:30 - S2: 200 Morkite | 2 Eggs | Warning: Exploder Infestation | Anomaly: None
39:32 - S3: 4 Eggs | 150 Morkite | Warning: None | Anomaly: Low Gravity
Mission Notes: Fairly smooth, ran vanilla Deepcore Homebrew with Special Powder Boomstick. We were taking it pretty casually pulling eggs in stage 2 even starting the Black Box in the middle of an egg swarm, which almost turned into a disaster when a Bulk Det showed up. I ended up eating the floor when it blew and we had a couple of downs as a team trying to recover, but once we got through it, the rest of the dive was smooth sailing.
