Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Engineer POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Whalepiper's Letdown
BIOME: Salt Pits
MISSION SEED: March 25 - March 31, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Bronze 2 - Level 96
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 816
Gunner: Bronze 3 - Level 101
Scout: Silver 3 - Level 217
Beer Buff: Red Rock Blaster
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:00 - S1: Refinery | Black Box | Warning: None | Anomaly: Critical Weakness
21:20 - S2: Escort | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: Exploder Infestation | Anomaly: None
45:40 - S3: 250 Morkite | Black Box | Warning: Cave Leech Cluster | Anomaly : None
Mission Notes: Pretty by the books with and only a couple of downs on the team...and they were avoidable. The Refinery in stage 1 was so smooth that that I didn't even notice that the team immediately started the black box upon landing and I was out killing lootbugs and collecting nitra. Over all, the dive was well in hand the entire run.
