Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Engineer POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Last Pearl
BIOME: Glacial Strata
MISSION SEED: March 18 - March 24, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Bronze 1 - Level 58
Engineer: Bronze 1 - Level 53
Gunner: Legendary 3 - Level 811
Scout: Bronze 3 - Level 81
Beer Buff: Red Rock Blaster
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:40 - S1: Escort | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: Mactera Plague | Anomaly: None
31:30 - S2: 2 Dreadnought (Hivegaurd & Twins) | Black Box | Warning: None | Anomaly: None
01:07:55 - S3: 6 Eggs | 2 Mini Mules | Warning: Exploder Infestation | Anomaly : Nonee
Mission Notes: Really had a good crew. Our only problem in this mission was indecisiveness which is why this dive took way too long. Generally in the regular dives I like to see the decision making process of newer players and don't try to take charge. We messed around way too long in stage 2 deciding where to fight the Dreadnoughts when we had several decent areas. I'm not sure the areas would have been as great to fight in had this been an Elite Dive, but for a regular dive the were very easily handled.