Weekly Deep Dive with Random Team - Engineer POV [Stage Time Codes in Description]
MISSION: Gangrenous Impact
BIOME: Fungus Bogs
MISSION SEED: March 11 - March 17, 2021
Randos This Week:
Driller: Platinum 1 - Level 160
Driller: Bronze 1 - Level 24
Engineer: Legendary 3 - Level 794
Gunner: No Gunner This Week
Scout: Bronze 1 - Level 71
Beer Buff: Slayer Stout
Video: Max Settings/21:9/1440p
01:00 - S1: Refinery | 1 Dreadnought (Twins) | Warning: Exploder Infestation | Anomaly: None
19:25 - S2: 2 Dreadnought (OG Dread & Twins) | 2 Eggs | Warning: Regenerative Bugs | Anomaly: None
39:55 - S3: Escort | 2 Eggs | Warning: None | Anomaly : Rich Atmosphere
Mission Notes: Smooth as silk. I generally won't enforce class locking on regular Deep Dives, so I gave the team the option to go in double driller even knowing that probably wasn't the best choice for Dreadnoughts, but there were no problems even compounded with my far from great PGL Hyper Propellant skills. A little bit of leech problem at one point and a few downs sprinkled in. Even in the best of situations the Twin Dread fights usually end up knocking someone off their feet.